Calgary has a challenging growing climate so choosing hardy trees is important. Trees can be a big investment for Calgary homeowners so you will want to make sure you choose a tree that is going to survive. In our previous blog we talked about fruit trees that grow well in Calgary . For this blog we are focused on non fruiting trees. We have compiled a list of top tree species for Calgary These are some of our favourite trees for landscaping in Calgary and the ones we recommend the most because they can withstand Calgary’s harsh weather.
Swedish Columnar Aspen
This tall columnar tree is one of the most popular trees in Calgary. It is very hard and the survival rate is great if the tree is planted in good quality soil. The swedish columnar aspen is commonly used in areas where a narrow tree is required. They are very fast growing trees and look best planted in odd numbers. You can find the Swedish Aspen growing everywhere in Calgary front and back yards. Again, they are a narrow tree so they are a great choice for beside your driveway or between houses. Swedish columnar aspens can tolerate moderate drought conditions.
Trembling Aspen
A Trembling aspen is another top tree species for landscaping in Calgary. Trembling aspens are a multi branched tree that grows much wider than a Swedish columnar aspen. Their leaves shimmer and tremble hence the name. These trees are a great choice for areas in your yard where you have more space available. Trembling aspens look more natural to our environment than some trees and they can often been found planted close to natural areas.
Ohio Buckeye
Ohio Buckeye are not the most common tree in Calgary but they are one of our favourite trees for many reasons. Ohio buckeye has large, compound leaves and can easily identified by its large seed pods. Ohio buckeye can tolerant full sun or part shade and they are slow growing so they will not take over your property. Ohio Buckeye have beautiful bright red fall colour that makes them stand out in early – late fall. Ohio Buckeye needs well drained soil.
Dropmore Linden
The Dropmore Linden tree is a very large tree at mature growth. Lindens are one of the most attractive ornamental trees because of their symmetrical growth habit. Dropmore Lindens grow at a moderate to fast rate and should not be planted where there are high winds or harsh conditions. Dropmore Lindens can grow up to 15 meters so they are best planted in an area where there is lots of room for them to grow and spread. Dropmore linden trees are a better tree to plant than the more popular green ash. Dropmore trees are fast becoming one of the more popular large trees in Calgary. A Dropmore linden is a much better choice than a Poplar tree. There are numerous problems with Poplar trees that Dropmore lindens do not have.
Willow Tree.
There are several good choices when it comes to Willow trees. Willow trees are a top tree species for Calgary because they grow well in moist areas. Finding a tree that can tolerate wet soil constantly is not always easy. Willows grow great in low lying areas. Some great choices for willow trees include Golden willow and Laurel leaf willow. If you want a very large willow tree then a Laurel leaf willow is a perfect tree species for you. Laurel leaf willows have shiny vibrant leaves that create a full tree. The weeping style of this willow tree make it especially attractive and full of character. A great tree for landscaping in Calgary, Golden willows have similar leaves to a Laurel leaf willow and can easily be identified by their golden bark. They are a smaller tree than the Laurel leaf willow but still a great choice for low lying areas of your property.
Japanese Lilac tree

You have likely seen lilac bushes growing all over Calgary their beautiful bold blossoms are evident in spring time and they can be seen in front yards and back yards throughout the city. The Japanese lilac tree is one of our favourite blossoming trees because it is fairly hardy and can grow well in small areas. A beautiful ornamental tree, the Japanese lilac has bright white blossoms that stay full for a few weeks in spring and early summer. There are not a lot of great choices for small ornamental trees in Calgary so if you are looking for a small ornamental tree then a Japanese lilac is the tree for you
Maple Tree
If you are from Eastern Canada you will have seen maple trees growing in abundance in most provinces. Everyone loves a maple tree specially because of their unique maple leaf but also because of their rich red fall colour. Maple trees are not as hardy in Calgary as they are in other cities to the East. Maple trees need to be taken care of with special attention including well drained soil, annual fertilization and adequate watering. Some Maple trees that can do well in Calgary are Hot wings Maple, Silver cloud Maple and Autumn blaze Maple. All of these trees are very slow growing so you won’t have to worry about pruning them for many years. The smallest of the Maple trees is the Hot wings maple. The hot wings maple is an ornamental tree that is a perfect choice if you have a smaller space in your yard.
Have a look at our Trees Calgary page for photos of trees that grow well in Calgary.