Do you really need a landscape design?
We have seen many landscapers in Calgary push their landscape design packages to Calgary homeowners but do you really need a landscape design? Landscape design components can look great on paper but quite often the beauty is not translated into being practical or affordable. As well, if a landscape design is not accurately created it can cause many issues once your installation begins.
Landscape designs can cause more problems than they solve
A landscape designs main purpose is to give you and your landscape contractor an exact plan to create your landscaping project. We have seen some designs where measurements are not accurate, grade changes are not accounted for and landscape design components just don’t fit in the spaces they are supposed to. When these mistakes occur it can cost you money to re-install the comments and/or cost you time wasted on head scratching. Drainage issues may also occur when grade changes are not taken into account. These drainage issues can cause major issues with your landscaping and in the end these issues will cost you money.
Choose your landscape designer carefully
If you do plan to go ahead with a landscape design make sure you are diligent in choosing a designer with several years of experience in Calgary. There are many landscaping companies in Calgary, some of them are very new to the city and they may not understand the climate changes, drainage issues and other factors that come with Calgary’s unique weather. If you have a smaller project then a landscape designer is likely not going to be needed. You can save the design costs and put the money towards the actual landscape work.
Smaller landscaping projects usually do not need a landscape design
If you have a smaller landscaping project such as patios and walkways, fence, mowing pavers or small garden bed retainers then you likely won’t need a landscape design. These smaller landscaping components can easily be sprayed out on your property. A spray out design on your property is the best design of all as it is there in front of you and drawn on the space the landscaping component is going to occupy. Revamping garden beds is another time when you probably don’t need a landscape design. Allow for mature growth when you plan a garden bed and place the shrubs in their pots in the garden.
When we recommend a landscape design
Landscape designs can be a very important part of your landscaping process but not in all cases. We recommend a landscape design for our Calgary landscaping customers often. Landscape designs are particularly important if you have a large landscaping project. A large landscaping project with multi levels or large grade changes is another case where you may need a landscape design. If you have a new home with no landscaping in place yet then a landscape design will be helpful but only if it is done correctly. If you are a visual person and cannot visualize your landscaping then you will benefit from a landscape design to help you see the overall plan more clearly.
Check out our landscape design Calgary page for more information.